

Clinical Trials completed in the USA

Arthritic Pain: In 1997, Dr. Carlos Valbona of the Baylor College of Medicine, published a study that reported 76% of treated patients using permanent magnets reported a decrease in arthritic joint and muscle pain compared to 19% of placebo patients.

Diabetic Foot Pain: Dr. Michael Weintraub of New York Medical College released a study that showed a significant rate of reduction in foot pain that afflicts millions of diabetics. Using magnetic insoles, nine out of ten diabetics reported a decrease in painful burning sensations, numbness and tingling compared to 22% reporting improvement in the placebo group.

Fibromyalgia: Magnetic Mattress Pad Use in Patients with Fibromyalgia, A Randomized Double-blind Pilot Study, conducted by Agatha P. Colbert, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, MA. Conclusions were "Sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad provides statistically significant and clinically relevant pain relief and sleep improvement in subjects with Fibromyalgia. No adverse reactions were noted during the 16-week trial period."

Others - There are hundreds of other clinical trials that prove the efficacy of magnetic therapy some are reported in Gary Null’s book Healing with Magnets, and in the excellent work, Magnetic Therapy in Eastern European Research, by Jiri Jerabek, M.D., PHD and William Pawluck, M.D., MSc.

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